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What Steps Can I Take to Modify a Child Custody Order?

Child custody orders in Pennsylvania are based on the children’s best interests, and while modifications are possible, they must be based on a substantial change in circumstances, which means they aren’t made on a whim or simply because a parent wants more time with the kids. If you need a child custody modification, it’s time to consult with an experienced Harrisburg, PA, child custody attorney.

When Child Custody Modifications Are Considered

The child custody orders you currently have in place were based on your children’s best interests, which means you must have experienced a significant shift in circumstances before the court will change them. This said, however, the state recognizes that situations do evolve, and child custody modifications are often granted based on factors like the following:

Ultimately, if you can demonstrate that your circumstances have changed to the degree that a modification is in your children’s best interests, the court will seriously consider your request, and working closely with a seasoned child custody attorney is an excellent place to start.

If You and Your Ex Reach an Agreement

Another option is reaching a modification agreement with your children’s other parent, on which you are both willing to sign off. If you’re able to find a middle ground, you can hammer out terms that you then present to the court and that the court is very likely to accept – as long as they continue to uphold your children’s best interests. Having the skilled legal guidance of a focused child custody attorney on your side for this is advised.

If you do come to an agreement with your ex, it’s important to make the matter official with the court. Your child custody terms are legally enforceable until they’re officially modified or until your children age out. This means that if your exchanges their mind regarding your agreement at a later date, you could find yourself on the wrong side of your child custody orders.

The accomplished Harrisburg child custody attorneys at Purdy Law Office are committed to employing the full force of their imposing experience and legal insight in pursuit of a child custody modification that supports your children’s best interests and works for you. Don’t wait to contact us online or call us at 717-527-5751 for more information today.

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