Child Custody
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Child Custody

Harrisburg Child Custody Lawyer

If you are facing a child custody case, you need the skilled legal representation of an experienced child custody lawyer in Harrisburg, PA, on your side.

Child custody addresses both legal custody and physical custody. Legal custody establishes how you and your ex will be making primary decisions regarding your children’s upbringing moving forward, including those decisions related to the following big-picture issues:

Physical custody, on the other hand, determines how you and your ex will divide the time you spend with your children. The basic options include one of you taking on the role of the primary custodial parent who will have the children for the majority of the time while the other has a visitation schedule or splitting your time with the kids more evenly.

Pennsylvania courts always base child custody decisions on the best interests of the children involved. The general goal is more substantial involvement on each parent’s part – barring a significant reason for seriously limiting a parent’s legal or physical custody.

Your Unique Child Custody Case

Whether you’re facing a divorce involving children, are facing a child custody case outside of marriage and divorce, or need a post-decree child custody modification, the right place to start is with a compassionate child custody lawyer who has a wealth of experience guiding these challenging cases effectively and efficiently forward.

Negotiating Terms between Yourselves

If you and your children’s other parent can negotiate terms between yourselves – with the trusted legal guidance of your respective child custody attorneys – you’ll retain the right to hammer out conditions that address your family’s unique needs and that work well for everyone involved without the necessity of court involvement.

Scheduling a Child Custody Conference

Even if you and your ex aren’t in a position to resolve your child custody case yourselves, there is also the option of a custody conference – which is the first step in the court proves and allows you and your children’s other parent to explore common ground and potentially reach an agreement that will be entered as an order of court without a hearing. With your seasoned child custody attorney’s focused input guiding you forward, the process can be very effective.

Modifications and Enforcement

Once you have established child custody terms, there is also the possibility you’ll need a modification based on a significant change in circumstances in the future, which is not uncommon. Further, if your ex refuses to comply with the child custody terms you have in place, you’ll need to address the matter of enforcement, and your practiced child custody lawyer has the experience and legal insight to resolve your concerns with your rights intact.

An Experienced Child Custody Lawyer in Harrisburg Can Help

The accomplished child custody lawyers at Purdy Law Office in Harrisburg, PA, dedicate their practice to resolving complex child custody matters, and we’re here for you, too. Learn more by contacting us online or calling us at 717-820-9053 today.

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To schedule your consultation call us at (717) 221-8303