How Does Child Custody and Visitation Work During a Divorce in Harrisburg?
Your child’s health, safety, and happiness mean the world to you. Upon getting a divorce, you may feel uneasy and concerned about not being able to see your child daily. At Purdy Law Office, we understand the stress you are under regarding your child’s living arrangements and general welfare. Our...
Read MoreHow Is Child Custody Determined in Pennsylvania?
While every child custody case is unique and legally complex, the matter boils down to the children’s best interests in the context of the parent’s rights and the circumstances involved. If you’re facing a divorce that involves shared children, a child custody modification, or a child custody case outside of...
Read MoreDo Grandparents Have Rights to Visitation in Pennsylvania?
Grandparents often play a vital role in their grandchildren’s lives, but grandparents’ rights to visitation with their grandchildren are secondary to the rights of the children’s parents – except when highly specific extenuating circumstances apply. Under certain conditions, grandparents do have some rights to visitation in the State of Pennsylvania,...
Read MoreWhat Steps Can I Take to Modify a Child Custody Order?
Child custody orders in Pennsylvania are based on the children’s best interests, and while modifications are possible, they must be based on a substantial change in circumstances, which means they aren’t made on a whim or simply because a parent wants more time with the kids. If you need a...
Read MoreHow does Pennsylvania Handle Child Support Calculations?
Calculating child support in Pennsylvania can be a complicated process, but it is imperative that you obtain a fair order based on proper calculations. The state follows a specific formula outlined in the Pennsylvania support guidelines, which take into account various factors, all of which must be accurate. Determining child...
Read MoreNavigating the Emotional Turmoil of Divorce and Custody Battles: The Importance of Individual Counseling
Divorce and custody litigation can be among the most emotionally challenging experiences in a person’s life. The process not only involves legal complexities but also brings to the surface a myriad of emotions, including grief, anger, anxiety, and fear. In such turbulent times, individual counseling can be a crucial support...
Read MoreWhy Collaborative Law Makes Sense in Custody Cases: A Guide for Potential Family Law Clients
Going through custody litigation can be one of the most challenging and emotionally draining experiences for any parent. The traditional litigation process can often exacerbate the situation, leading to increased conflict and stress for all parties involved, including the children. This is where collaborative law comes in as a viable...
Read MoreUnderstanding Child Support in Pennsylvania
Child support is a hot-button issue in many divorces. It’s a matter that is best resolved with a skilled Pennsylvania child support attorney on your side. Pennsylvania has developed child support calculation guidelines as outlined in the federal Child Support Enforcement Act. These guidelines take into consideration the following: Needs...
Read More3 fatherly essentials for dads raising kids out of wedlock
If you are the father of a child who you share with someone you have never married, you are far from alone. In 2019, more than a million infants were born out of wedlock in the United States. With that said, there are some unique challenges that you may face...
Read MoreWhat happens when co-parents can’t agree on their child’s medical treatment?
Divorced parents often have to work together to determine what is best for their children, especially if they have joint legal custody. However, when a child needs medical treatment and neither co-parent can agree on how to proceed, what should they do? When co-parenting, both parties can typically resolve minor...
Read MoreDo Pennsylvania child custody laws need to be strengthened to protect children from harm?
Pennsylvania’s Senate Bill 868 seeks to strengthen child custody and visitation laws. As reported by WESB News, SB868 presents legislation designed to ensure courts consider signs of potential abuse in child custody cases. The bill intends to bring about expanded guidelines to spot issues that may endanger a child’s safety....
Read MoreValidating your child’s emotions during your divorce
The transition from having two parents under one roof to only having one may cause emotional distress for your children in Pennsylvania. While divorce is certainly not easy for anyone involved, your children may lack the maturity and understanding to comprehend why things have changed so rapidly. Validating your children’s...
Read MoreFactors courts consider when determining custody
Divorce is almost always difficult, but it can be made even more challenging when you have children with your soon-to-be ex. When making child custody decisions, the courts will focus on the best interests of the child. In order to determine what those are, the court will consider a number...
Read MoreTips for relocating after a custody order is in place
When parents divorce, they will hopefully remain geographically close so that both parents are able to spend time with the children. However, there are circumstances that may make relocating the best option for the children. Parents in Pennsylvania who want to relocate after a child custody order is in place...
Read MoreHaving a co-parent schedule can maintain consistency
When getting a divorce, most Pennsylvania residents understand that their decisions will affect more people than just them. In particular, parents know that their children may face challenges as well. As a result, many parents choose to focus on co-parenting in the hopes of maintaining consistency and ensuring the well-being...
Read MoreWhen your ex can’t stick to the visitation schedule
After your divorce, your custody agreement and visitation schedule legally outline how you and your ex will care and provide for your children. It takes two parents and a great deal of flexibility to make a child visitation plan successful. But what do you do if your ex isn’t sticking...
Read MoreUnderstanding the basics about child custody
For parents in Pennsylvania who are going through a divorce, there is oftentimes one primary issue that can keep them up at night as the case is pending: child custody. After all, parents always want what is best for their children. However, what that is, exactly, is sometimes a contentious...
Read MoreWhat happens if a child refuses to visit their non-custodial parent?
Visitation arrangements ensure that parents who do not have custody may still play an important role in the lives of their children. Visitation rights are court-ordered, usually upon divorce or through other legal means if the couple was not married, and they should remain in place until the child is...
Read MoreThe process of moving children of divorce to other states
Custodial parents in Pennsylvania may be able to relocate their children to another state. However, it requires either the agreement of the other parent or a determination by the court that it is in the best interests of your children. In most cases, if the other parent does not agree...
Read More7 tips for traveling with your child after divorce
Adjusting to life after divorce can be stressful and challenging, and it may not be very fun for adults or children. To raise your spirits and give yourself a break, you may decide to take a trip with your kids over Spring Break or summer vacation.If you plan to do...
Read MoreCoping strategies for high-conflict divorce
Divorce is one of the most difficult emotional challenges that many will ever face. However, it becomes more so in high-conflict situations where negative behavior probably also contributed to the demise of the marriage. Often it is one of the spouses, leaving the other looking to get out. Regardless of...
Read MoreDealing with a borderline personality disorder is still not easy after divorce
Marriage to a spouse with a borderline personality disorder (BPD) was an impossibly tall order. They exhibited broad shifts in emotions that were punctuated by aggressive behavior. Yet, they were able to hold a job and even function well enough that a judge allowed them joint custody with decision making...
Read More3 ways technology can help with co-parenting
Once your divorce is over, you and your former spouse must start navigating the best way to co-parent. You will both adjust to a new schedule of switching time with your children. But if any issues go against the schedule, you may run into conflicts that lead to tension. Regardless...
Read MoreCould you change your child custody arrangement?
After establishing your child custody order, you might feel as though it is etched in stone until your youngest child turns 18. Though not all issues warrant a change to your order, certain circumstances might leave you wanting to make some changes. If your current visitation schedule is working for...
Read MoreParenting coordination for custody offers an alternative to court
Divorced parents struggling to agree on or implement a parenting plan will soon have another tool at their disposal: parenting coordination. This process allows adversarial parents to work with a skilled coordinator who will help them try to overcome conflicts and make decisions about their custody issues. This form of...
Read MoreParental alienation: What it is, what parents can do about it
A parent’s greatest fear in the wake of a divorce can be losing time and a quality relationship with their children. And unfortunately, divorce can adversely impact a parent-child relationship, especially if one parent engages in parental alienation. Parental alienation involves behaviors by one parent to create or foster an...
Read MoreTips for celebrating the holidays with your kids after divorce
Many people are eager to get to a new year and put 2018 behind them. This could certainly be the case if this was the year you got divorced. However, first comes the holidays. And this season can be particularly difficult to navigate for the first time after divorce, especially...
Read MoreWhat to consider when discussing child custody
Child custody orders are critical tools for parents who are not in an intact family, and securing a fair order should be a top priority when parents separate. While people might expect the courts to design these orders, oftentimes, it is the parents who do so through mediation or collaboration....
Read MoreWhat are some examples of custody violations?
Parents with a custody or visitation agreement must comply with these orders. They are put in place by courts and are supposed to keep children safe. Unfortunately, there are times when a parent violates a custody order, intentionally or accidentally. In such situations, it can be crucial for the non-violating...
Read MoreParents: Why it’s important to have formal court orders in place
When parents separate or divorce, the relationship may not end overnight. There can be a transition period where spouses attempt to reconcile or live separately in the same home. This may be ideal for two parents who want to spend as much time as possible with their children, but what...
Read MoreBack-to-school tips for co-parents
In a matter of weeks, kids across Pennsylvania will be back in school. If you are a parent, this can mean soaking in the last weeks of summer vacation with your kids and doing some back-to-school shopping. If you are a co-parent, however, you should also think about getting your...
Read MoreCo-parents: Your child might be ready for college. Are you?
Co-parenting or sharing custody of your child with another parent is undoubtedly a challenge. Just when you seem to get into a stable routine, something changes and shakes everything up. For instance, if your child is getting ready for college — or even just starting to think about it —...
Read MoreImportant tips for summer traveling when you share custody
Summer vacation is typically synonymous with relaxing, slowing down and enjoying more time as a family. However, as relaxing as we might want summer to be, it often takes some work to make it so — especially if you are a parent who shares custody of your children. For instance,...
Read MoreCan an app make splitting the kids’ extracurricular costs easier?
It seemed like everything was finalized. You and your ex (and your attorneys) made child custody arrangements and determined child support payments. Now, there are things that you never talked about, including extra expenses for your children. Who is going to pay for soccer? What about paying for hobbies that...
Read MoreWhat does custodial interference look like?
Sharing custody of your child with his or her other parent is not an easy situation, particularly if you do not like or trust that person. You might spend much of your time worrying if your child is happy and safe, and you can become understandably upset if your ex...
Read MoreBird nesting: A custody trend worth examining?
Child custody is not a new issue facing Pennsylvania parents. For decades now, it has been increasingly common for parents to split time with their children after divorce or separation. However, some custody arrangements today might look very different than they did a generation ago. Instead of the traditional plan...
Read MoreWhy spring is the time to think about summer custody plans
You might still be recovering from spring break, but summer is right around the corner. If you are a parent sharing custody of your child in Pennsylvania, then it can be wise to start thinking about any plans you or the other parent of your child have for the summer...
Read MoreDecisions you may not anticipate when developing a parenting plan
When most people think about child custody issues, they envision their ideal physical custody schedule. However, legal custody is also vital to consider.Most parents share legal custody of their children, though they might not recognize what this means until a child gets older or unless certain issues arise. In this...
Read MoreCustody Orders: modification and enforceability
The ending of a marriage in a divorce is a difficult and emotionally complex time for all of the parties involved. The determination of child custody can likewise be just as troubling, especially for children and a parent who is not awarded primary physical custody. However, there are avenues a...
Read MoreMore states considering the benefits of shared child custody
Several decades ago, it was typical for a family court judge to rule that the mother is the default parent and that fathers would be awarded the right to visit their child on a set schedule. That approach has been revised over the past few years as more courts are...
Read MoreNFL player, Jimmy Smith, in midst of child custody dispute
Relationships among high profile athletes often come under intense scrutiny from fans, especially when those relationships do not end happily. These sports professionals often find themselves caught up in acrimonious child custody disputes filled with allegations that may or may not be true. Football fans living in Pennsylvania may be...
Read MoreStudy points to shared child custody as better option for many
Traditionally, when parents divorced, family court judges usually ordered that mothers would be the primary care provider and fathers would be relegated to part-time parenting. However, in spite of the intention to spare children the conflict that may erupt between parents, a recent study points to shared child custody being...
Read MoreLawmaker seeks to modify how child custody time is determined
Marriages can be a blessing when things are going well or a curse when they are not. Some couples may decide that divorce is a better option, especially if minor children are frequently subjected to a hostile marital environment. However, the parents will be faced with making a parenting plan...
Read MoreHow grandparents can protect their access to their grandchildren
If you are a grandparent and are being denied access to your grandchildren, you are probably frustrated and heartbroken. It is unfortunate, yet common, for adult children to deny such access to grandparents, especially during emotionally charged disputes. A parent could be upset with continued financial support or wants to...
Read MoreDo grandparents have rights in Pennsylvania?
When custody rights are a factor in a divorce, parents are often at the center. But because grandparents are so often involved in raising children, they may also be entitled to visitation and perhaps even custody, depending on the situation. In Pennsylvania, the court may indeed grant grandparents’ visitation requests...
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