Skilled Assistance With Complex Property Division In Divorce
Property division is complex. If you are facing a divorce and have questions regarding the division of your marital estate, seek the advice of an attorney who is knowledgeable about dividing marital property.
At Purdy Law Office, LLC, in the Lemoyne area, our skilled divorce lawyers have years of experience handling complex divorces and property division matters for clients throughout Central Pennsylvania. We understand how to advocate for a fair distribution of property during your divorce process. Our lawyers understand the intricacies of asset division and the long-term effects that a distribution can have on your financial security.
Understanding Asset Division In Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania refers to the division of your marital assets and debts as equitable distribution, which means that the division should be fair but not necessarily equal. In the divorce process, courts determine what is fair and equitable by considering a series of relevant factors, including:
- The ability of each spouse to earn income in the future
- Whether there are minor children
- Whether one spouse is seeking alimony
- The debts each party owes
- What each party sacrificed for the other spouse through the course of the marriage
While marital property generally refers to any value, positive or negative, that you and your spouse acquire during the marriage, there are a number of exceptions to this rule. As a result, it is best not to concede your rights to any asset or agree to any division of property without understanding your rights and reviewing your options with an attorney.
Identifying And Evaluating Hidden Assets
It is not unusual for a once-trusted spouse to hide assets from the other. This is particularly common when one or both spouses have amassed many assets or own one or more highly valuable assets. To secure a fair distribution arrangement, we use various experts and resources to account for and value your marital estate accurately. We also work with other professionals you trust, including your real estate agent, accountant and financial planner, to safeguard what you have worked hard to amass. Our extensive experience often results in the discovery of hidden assets or misuse of marital money.
High-Asset Divorces Require Experienced Help
Our attorneys have worked with estates of all sizes in property division matters. We understand how important experience is when dealing with high-value estates. This is especially true if one spouse owns a large business or has control of the majority of the marital assets. Our team strives to minimize your financial transition and the consequences that asset division can have on your future. To do this, we are ready to take on issues related to the division of stocks, IRAs, pensions, 401(k)s, business interests and other valuable assets.
Handling All Post-Decree Details
We consider it our privilege to guide you through all of your post-divorce issues. Common post-divorce issues include the enforcement of your Property Settlement Agreement, the payment of alimony, the transfer of assets from one spouse to another, and basic estate issues.
Get A Consultation To Get Started
Let us handle the details of your property division matters and other issues in your divorce so that you can concentrate on planning your future. To schedule a consultation with one of our divorce attorneys, please call 717-221-8303 or send us a confidential email.