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Self-care helps moms recover from divorce

The care and well-being of the children should be the priority in any divorce. Even under the best of circumstances, however, parents face a process that takes months and involves countless decisions with far-ranging impact. There is also the stress of not knowing what comes next.

Parents typically throw themselves into the task of helping the children adjust to a new life that involves two homes, drop-offs and a more formal schedule. However, it is also essential to spend some time on themselves.

Helpful tips for moving forward

Everyone has theories about who recovers faster, with men often remarrying first. Regardless, here are a variety of suggestions for women by women to start their process:

Moms know best

Everyone will have their approach to self-care, and not all of the above tips may be helpful. If something is not working, try something else. The key is to find what works.

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