Is January the most popular month for divorces?
It stands to reason that January would be an unusually popular time for people to break up. After all, many people who have been considering asking for a divorce will have known for some time that they want one.
But few people want to break up just before or during the holiday season, if only to spare the kids. Then, after the new year, you see Valentine’s Day coming. January and early February are therefore popular times to end relationships.
According to the New York Times, Google Trends indicate that people search for divorce-related information at a slightly greater rate during the second week in January than they do at other times of the year. However, recent years have seen searches for divorce information peaking at various times of the year, including March and September.
Also, searching for information doesn’t necessarily mean people will file right away, if at all. People who begin searching for a divorce lawyer in January may not file until later in the year.
But do people tend to break up in January? There is some evidence that they do. Again, they may be waiting until after the holidays to limit the impact on children – or themselves – during the season. And, for many people the holiday season seems to portend new beginnings or a brighter future. When that doesn’t happen, people may be inclined to take stock of their lives and decide they need change
Of course, other seasonal events can highlight the need for change or make for a convenient end point. Those could include the beginning or end of summer vacation, for example.
According to a study by the Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts, the three leading causes of divorce in the U.S. include:
- Incompatibility
- Infidelity
- Money problems
But lack of romance and the responsibility of children are also red flags for an unhappy marriage.
“It is my firm belief that people get divorced because their expectations were not met,” says Susan Myres, president of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. “Whatever their expectations are. When enough of them are not being met, divorce will happen.”
If you’re considering divorce, you’re not alone
Whatever your reasons, now may be the time to make a change. Know that there are supportive people who will listen to your story and help you find a positive way to move forward without your current spouse.
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