Helpful tips for staying healthy during your divorce
Everyone understands the importance of staying physically and mentally healthy – and that it’s often easier said than done. But prioritizing your health is critical when you’re undergoing a stressful, life-changing event like a divorce.
When you’re going through a divorce, you’re most likely concentrating on the big things that may be impacted: your children, assets or finances. It can be easy to put your day-to-day health on the back burner. But that’s the last thing you should do.
Here are some simple ways you can stay physically and mentally healthy through your divorce:
- Combat your loneliness. Going through a separation can be very isolating. As much as you may want to throw on your pajamas and spend Saturday in bed, it’s important to get out and socialize with friends and family. If you’re not ready for the social scene yet, you may opt to join a divorce support group or see a therapist. Both can offer you an open ear and conversation.
- Channel your emotions. Exercise can be a great outlet for your emotions. If you’re feeling angry since the split, you could release that anger in a kickboxing class. Yoga can be a great stress reliever if you’re feeling anxious. And if you’re overwhelmed, just a 10-minute walk during your lunch break can release endorphins.
- Ask for help. In order to take care of yourself, you may need assistance from others. Maybe you need a reliable babysitter to watch your kids so you can work out, or a friend to give you a ride to your therapy appointment. Perhaps you need a day off from work to focus on your mental health. It’s important to express your needs and ask for help when necessary.
Divorce isn’t easy. It can strongly impact many aspects of your life. But if you take care of your overall health, you can help lessen the toll it takes on you.
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