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Co-parenting tips for supporting your kids during the school year

Parenting is a challenging job. When you and your co-parent are in separate households, managing the expectations of each other and your children can be difficult.

While you and your co-parent want what is best for your children, you may not always agree on how to help them reach their goals both in and out of school.

As the school year gets started, here are a few tips for giving your children the support they need in school.

Talk about goals

Depending on the age of your children, they may need a lot of support in determining their goals and how to reach them. Younger children often require significant help establishing their goals and learning how to achieve them. On the other hand, older children may have an idea of what they want and may need support establishing practical steps to achieve their goals.

You should talk to your children about their goals and what it will take to progress toward them. It is also important to discuss your children’s goals with their other parent so that you can work together to provide the support that they need.

Establish routines

One of the critical components to success in school is establishing routines. However, forming habits can be difficult for children who change houses frequently or have one parent who does not support the routine.

Now that the school year is in progress, you may start noticing where your child needs more support. You should talk to their other parent to discuss reasonable ways to establish routines to help your child succeed.

Co-parenting often comes with challenges. There will likely be times when you have to agree to disagree; however, when you can decide to support your children’s goals, it can help them develop positive habits that can make them more successful.

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