How to Write an IEP from a Parent’s Perspective – Part 5
This is the last of a 5-blog series about how to write an IEP from a parent’s perspective. If you are seeing this blog before the others, please go back and read the other blogs. We talked about present levels and parents’ vision statements, SMARTER goals, specially designed instruction, and...
Read MoreHow to Write an IEP from a Parent’s Perspective – Part 4
In the previous blogs, we talked about present levels with a parent’s vision statement, SMARTER goals, and specially designed instruction. This blog will discuss the formal transition plan for high school students. Strategic planning for your child’s future involves the crucial process of reverse engineering. Revisit our initial blog, where...
Read MoreHow to Write an IEP from a Parent’s Perspective – Part 3
In the previous two blogs, we talked about present levels and SMARTER goals. In this blog, we will delve into specially designed instruction (SDIs). Although these SDIs may appear similar to what would be written into a 504 plan, this is what sets the IEP apart from a 504 plan....
Read MoreHow to Write an IEP from a Parent’s Perspective – Part 2
In the previous blog, we discussed the Present Levels Section. Here, we will dive into the Goals Section of the individual education plan (IEP). First, IEPs are not solely academic. You can have goals for behavior, social skills, emotional regulation, and related services (occupational therapy, speech therapy, etc.). Regardless of...
Read MoreHow to Write an IEP from a Parents’ Perspective – Part 1
When a child with a disability needs specially designed instruction, they qualify for an individual education plan (IEP) under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), U.S. federal law. This 30+ page document contains information about the child, including present levels, diagnosis, goals, specially designed instruction, transition planning, related services,...
Read MoreBreaking Down IEPs and 504 plans: What Every Parent Needs to Know
The evaluation is completed. The evaluation team sat down to discuss the results. The team agreed that your child qualifies for an IEP (individual education program), but the school insists that a 504 plan is really all that is needed. What do you do? If the TEAM agrees that the...
Read MoreIEPs: What Parents Need to Know
In the world of education law, few acronyms carry as much weight as “IEP.” An Individualized Education Program(IEP) is a crucial document designed to ensure that every child receives a tailored education that meets their unique needs. For parents navigating the complex landscape of education law, understanding IEPs is paramount....
Read MoreWhat to do if your Co-Parent disagrees
What if you believe your child needs help and the other parent disagrees? We are often asked about what to do when you want to have your child evaluated for special education services at school or privately, and the other parent disagrees. What are you allowed to do? According to...
Read MorePreparing for an IEP Meeting
Most of us are not happy campers when it comes to long meetings, especially at IEP time. Did you know that you can cut the amount of time you spend in an IEP meeting with a few simple steps? First, two weeks prior to the meeting, write an email to...
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