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Is Your Child Making the Grade?

Do you know what “grades” represent in school? Generally, an “A” is great, and a “D” or “F” is failing. What work or lack of work went into those simple letters? Some schools do not give letter grades. They may provide an “O” for outstanding and “S” for satisfactory. Perhaps,...

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Us vs. Them

It’s the day of your IEP meeting. You’ve reviewed the draft IEP that was sent home (if you didn’t get one, we’ll discuss that in another blog). You can tell that your child is not making progress, but you have no idea how to help them. You go to the...

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The “I” in IEP

Have you ever heard someone from the school say, “for kids like yours, we offer this”? Or have you ever heard “we don’t do that here”? The “I” in IEP stands for individualized. The definition of individualized is something tailored to one person. In this case, the education plan is...

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Reasons to consider mediation for your divorce

Going through a divorce is a painful, exhausting process for anyone. Whatever the reason- it takes its toll on the parties divorcing. If they have children, things get more complicated, and the parties must balance many things simultaneously. In addition to the emotional toll that divorce takes on the family,...

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How to talk to your children about your divorce

Are your kids the most important thing to you? If so, then you’re probably worried about how breaking the news of divorce will affect them. It’s a legitimate concern because children thrive in stable and secure and environments, and a divorce threatens the very foundation of those characteristics. Additionally, many...

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Advice for co-parenting with a difficult ex

When you share custody of a child after a divorce, you’ll have to maintain some sort of a relationship with your ex-spouse. Some people maintain the bare minimum required for coordinating visits, while others must engage in more involved interaction to co-manage medications, health, and social obligations. While many couples...

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How to make divorce manageable

There is no reason to sugarcoat the truth; divorce is difficult for all involved. Though it’s never their fault, children may blame themselves for the split and will need reassurance that it had nothing to do with them. Children will also wonder where mom or dad went, and if they’ll...

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Have the Four Horsemen found your marriage?

They’re better known as a biblical metaphor for the end of the world, but the fabled Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have received a modern revival, courtesy of relationship expert John Gottman. Dr. Gottman’s approach to marriage analysis includes defining four communication styles, which he calls the Four Horsemen. Their...

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Divorcing after 50? You’re not alone.

When someone gets a divorce at a later stage in life, there is often a question they might ask themselves: is there something wrong with me? There is nothing wrong with you, and you are not alone. In fact, while divorce rates for younger generations have decreased or stayed the...

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Effective co-parenting after a divorce

After a divorce, determining how to have a healthy co-parenting system for the child’s benefit may be a significant concern. Fortunately, there are ways to increase the chances of a smooth transition that is beneficial for the child. Discourse and resentment are often present after a divorce when arranging co-parenting...

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Organizing For Your Divorce

Divorce can be a grueling process and may require a significant amount of background work in order to be prepared. The sooner one starts doing that work, the better positioned they may be to move efficiently through the process. Some of that work can begin even before speaking with an...

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How do alimony payments affect taxes?

An individual’s financial future after divorce can seem uncertain. If the final agreement includes spousal support, whether you pay or receive it, that question is likely on the forefront of your mind. Divorces in which alimony may be required that are finalized starting January 1, 2019 could be more complicated....

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How could divorce affect your small business?

For small business owners, divorce can create a lot of anxiety. Owners or operators of start-ups, family businesses or even family farms can suddenly find themselves in complex, technical discussions on how to properly “divide” their business. Like many who go through a divorce, you may be unprepared for what...

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Can your child ask their stepparent to adopt them?

It is possible that while scrolling through social media, you have found videos of stepchildren asking their stepparents to adopt them. If you haven’t, a quick search on YouTube for “surprise stepparent adoption” will produce a few tears. These heartwarming videos typically end with a stepparent opening a present with...

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How to know if you are being emotionally abused

Fighting is an inevitable part of most marriages and long-term relationships. Most couples simply do not agree about everything. However, there is a difference between getting into a squabble with your partner and facing emotional abuse at the hands of the one you love. Unfortunately, emotional abuse tactics can be...

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How can cryptocurrency complicate a divorce?

When it comes to divorce, owning cryptocurrency can complicate a situation that may already be delicate. Splitting typical assets such as other funds and properties may already be a challenge. Now, there is an intangible and very valuable asset that can create additional disputes. Bitcoin and similar cryptocurrencies are a...

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Understanding open adoption

Until the last few decades the profile of adoptive parents changed very little. The typical adoptive family was a married couple who sought to adopt an infant. Now children of all ages are adopted by parents at various stages in life. As adoption profiles have changed, so have the nature...

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Divorce using alternative dispute resolution

Though many people believe that divorce is synonymous with a long and protracted court battle, Pennsylvania families are able to settle their differences by using alternative dispute resolution. Alternative dispute resolution, which can sometimes be less taxing emotionally and financially, encompasses mediation, Collaborative Law, and cooperative practice. Some family law...

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No Fault Divorce

In a move designed to ease the toll that the divorce process takes on families, the state of Pennsylvania has amended its waiting period from one to two years, beginning in December 2016. Many people mistakenly believe that no-fault divorces always involve both parties agreeing to end the marriage. In...

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