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Parenting time interference and failures

Pennsylvania courts take parenting time orders seriously. When a parent fails to uphold his or her end of the agreement or order or interferes with the other parent’s parenting time rights, the court may take several remedial actions. Interfering with the other parent’s parenting time may result in the court...

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Co-parenting and the challenge of celebrating birthdays

After a Pennsylvania divorce, co-parenting is often one of the biggest challenges that parents face. Along with making decisions about the child’s schooling, medical care, religious upbringing and extracurricular activities, celebrating special events and holidays can be problematic. There are many factors to consider in these circumstances. Parents may debate...

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What does healthy co-parenting look like?

Making decisions with regards to a child’s upbringing is difficult enough when the parents are married to one another and have a generally healthy relationship. When a Pennsylvania couple divorces and now has to agree on matters such as which holiday will be spent with which parent and which religion...

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When to seek divorce counseling

Not all divorces are the same. Some can be graciously mutual, with both parties agreeing that separation is the best way forward for each individual and their families. Some divorces are unfortunately bitter affairs, full of conflict and spite. For both these extremes, and everything in between, separating couples may...

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Self-care helps moms recover from divorce

The care and well-being of the children should be the priority in any divorce. Even under the best of circumstances, however, parents face a process that takes months and involves countless decisions with far-ranging impact. There is also the stress of not knowing what comes next. Parents typically throw themselves...

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Parallel parenting may be the right option

Some divorced parents have strong working relationships where the children move between households every few days, and parents work together on most parental responsibilities. However, not all divorces work seamlessly. There may be residual anger over the marriage’s demise and divorce settlement, or it can be a situation of outright...

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How to keep peace with your co-parent

After a strenuous divorce, it can seem impossible to keep peace with your co-parent. You know a peaceful environment is the best thing to offer your child but, when emotions are so fresh, it can be hard to practice. Even though you and your ex-partner don’t work together romantically, you...

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