Can an app make splitting the kids’ extracurricular costs easier?
It seemed like everything was finalized. You and your ex (and your attorneys) made child custody arrangements and determined child support payments.
Now, there are things that you never talked about, including extra expenses for your children. Who is going to pay for soccer? What about paying for hobbies that are even more difficult to track, like knitting or building model cars?
It seems small, at first
When your children aren’t in a significant amount of activities, it may be easier to accept the added expense that you did not anticipate. After all, $50 for soccer registration isn’t that bad.
What happens, however, when the expenses begin to pile on? Do you split them evenly with your former spouse? Does the higher earning parent pay them all?
There’s an app for that (a few, actually)
As we all know, there is almost no limit to what you can do from your phone. Splitting the expenses for your children is now no exception. There are several apps that can help you communicate expenses and even utilize a formula to determine what your share of an expense is.
Easier communication
Perhaps the best part about using an app to communicate with your ex about these extra expenses is that it makes it a lot less awkward. You don’t have to worry about “calling too much” or whether an expense is “big enough” to bother your ex about. You can put the information into the app, upload a receipt, and let the app do the communicating for you.
Using an app can also add a layer of accountability. With a digital record of the expenses, it is impossible to deny knowledge of an expense.
An app can’t solve every problem when it comes to sharing expenses for the extra things your children love to do, but it can take a lot of the guesswork out of who paid for what.
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